This container is design to put spice, it should have good sealing to protect the spices from moisture. The lid is designed with gasket which melted with PP part without extra assembly.
We help client customized a rotary table two components mould for this lid mould. So it no need additional process to install the gasket. The base is made with SAN material which have high transparent surface finish, looks like glass. The whole set product with high quality.
Mould cavities: 4 cavities
Mould injection system: Yudo valve gate
Cycle time: 20s
Injection machine: 350T servo motor injection machine
Mould cavities: 4+4 cavities
Mould injection system:
1st shot PP: Yudo valve gate
2nd shot TPE: Yudo valve gate
Cycle time: 30s
Injection machine: 360T rotary table two color injection machine